your sacred space to remember your brilliance.

An 8-Week Ceremonial Journey to Reconnect, Reset, and Remember the Sacred Within.

Unfold, unfurl, and unwind your being. Allow the sacred to baptize you in truth, washing away the shoulds and the should-haves, the doubts and the fears. Re-stabilizing, re-centering, and re-calibrating your being.

This is Feminine Unbound, an 8-week online journey back home to your Self.

a weekly temple to reconnect & reset.

registration for feminine unbound is currently closed.

Interested in joining the next cohort? Join the waitlist to be notified when temple doors re-open!

The feminine…unbound.

Every moment of self-connection is a rebellious act in a world designed to keep us severed from our power, our knowing, and our true nature.

As an intuitive powerhouse & feminine being, we yearn for beautiful and sacred space to come into connection with our truth and higher power…on a consistent & easeful basis.

Dear Sister, Feminine Unbound was made for you.


You move through the world more anchored in divine knowing, responding to life’s opportunities and challenges in ways that empower the truth of who you are.

You are lit up and TURNED ON with your soul fire ablaze, no longer apologizing for your intuitive knowings, bodily wisdom, and spiritually-rooted approach to living in JOY.

Feminine Unbound is your sacred space to remember your authentic brilliance, so that you feel safe and supported to let your soul shine and trust your guidance within.

A woman more connected to the sacred moves differently in the world.

She is more open and gracious with those she loves. She makes decisions that further her power and her sovereignty…not through force and strife, but through present loving awareness. She acts different because she is different. She no longer procrastinates in taking the steps to create a life that reflects the love that she is.

She feels safe in her body and becomes a radiant beacon of I CAN and I AM.

She feels more deeply, creates more beautiful memories with those around her, and stewards a wake of light for others to remember their own greatness.

If you know that elevating your energetic field and reconnecting to the Divine within is the game changing element you’ve been looking for…

And you are ready to claim your sovereignty, power, and feminine knowing more deeply than ever before…

Join us in Feminine Unbound, your sacred space to remember the perfection of who you already are…without having to strategize, push, or plan. Simply show up and become.

Dani is a true Rose Priestess, living the way of Love and Being Love. Feminine Unbound initiates you into full expression of your authentic raw ecstatic self held in a safe supportive container to remember who you truly are.

Cynthia W.

Letting the noise of the day melt away for an hour and a half a week to get closer to my heart has an immeasurable impact on my life from a short term and long term perspective. Gaining additional tools and knowledge to dive deeper + protect my soul and energy helps me handle the day to day in a more loving and graceful way.

Jess S.

I recommend Feminine Unbound to any woman wanting to connect with the Goddess energy, looking for sisterhood and a place to come and drop in to your very heart and core.

Gina G.

Together, we’ll reclaim our ancient feminine birthrights & reinstate our innocent nature as vessels of the sacred Through:

sacred ceremony

Weekly online gatherings.

feminine ritual

Optional practices for the time in-between.

sisterhood commumity

Connection with people who get it.


Cleanse your energetic field of all that does not serve. As a house collects dust, we too, must maintain regular practice to protect our energetic elevation and make space for our Higher Selves to come in.


Reclaim your connection to your knowing. Your higher wisdom and authority. Your joy and your brilliance. You are the creator of your reality - claim the highest and best for your soul path.


When we make space to connect with the sacred, we come back to the clarity of higher perspective. We trust our intuitive knowings and we remember that we CAN do this…whatever this means for you.


Weekly Ceremony

We’ll gather for 90-minutes weekly on Zoom to delve into our sacred knowings, give voice to our feminine wisdom, and activate the crystalline templates of our embodied feminine divinity.



A Divine Feminine ritual playbook with practices, journal prompts, meditations, playlists, and more to build the musculature of knowing ourselves as our sanctuary.


sisterhood community

Share temple space with other divine feminine beings who understand the courage, devotion, and rigorous initiations the priestess path demands. Enter a space with a shared understanding of honored sisterhood, where the whole of you - your mess and your magic - is welcome.


Many women desire to come home to the sacred, but somehow it slips down the priority list.

We know we show up more lovingly, patiently, and vibrantly when we are anchored in our holy power. We know the effect this has on our children, our spouses, our businesses, our dreams. More beautiful memories made. More doors opening…all in flow.

But the constant strain of modern existence, responsibilities, and a world that prioritizes reach over rest has us showing up depleted, reactive, and disconnected from our center.

The cycle ends now.

Know your body as your altar, your soul as your temple, and your heart as your home.

Initiate yourself into more confidence, more spaciousness, and more ease with what is so that you can become more of what you’re meant to be…a soul on a journey, wild & free.


We’ll engage and elevate all four planes of existence - mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual - opening to the body’s wisdom, heart’s knowings, and soul’s callings to walk through the world as our most powerful self.

the sacred journey ahead


An initiatory gathering connecting to ourselves, each other, and our intentions for the journey ahead.

Week 2: I am a pure vessel

A purification and release of all that does not serve. Liberation of dense energies and lower thought forms. An emptying so that we may be filled.

Week 3: I am divine frequency

The art of frequency & sacred oil anointing. Commanding forth our Creatrix authority to raise our vibration and weave an evermore beautiful human experience.

Week 4: I am the peace that passeth all understanding

A purification and release of all that does not serve. Liberation of dense energies and lower thought forms. An emptying so that we may be filled.

Week 5: I activate my vocal authority

Vocal reclamation reinstating our connection with the sacred power of the voice and the incredible vocal art forms to experience our fullest soul-lead life.

week 6: I am womb creatrix

Connecting to our sacral authority & wisdom within our womb; this is applicable to all, even if a physical womb is not present.

week 7: my body is my temple & love is my religion

Grounding into the body creating spaciousness for higher perspective, divine wisdom, and somatic awareness.

week 8: Closing ceremony

Soul celebration. An anchoring of what has been so we may move forward with what may be - with the greatest abundance and the greatest of ease. And so it is.

This is for women who…

  • Are devoted to loving themselves deeply and delight in feminine wisdom and magic.

  • Desire to empower their daily life with more truth, purpose, and reverence.

  • Know their bodies hold ancient wisdom and are ready to listen with the support of sisterhood and spirit.

  • Speak the language of ritual and ceremony and desire a deeper remembrance of these ancient arts.

  • Are looking for safe and sacred space to reset their energy and come back home to their intuitive knowing on a consistent + easeful basis.

Do you feel the call of the feminine medicine?

Stay tuned for release dates on our next journey!

Meet your guide

dani frederick

Divine Feminine Mystic & Spiritual Wayshower

“To me, dani is a full f*ck yes to what you need and what you want.”

-Cassie s.

“I love how she leads people in realizing their own breakthroughs.”

-Christine R.

Dani’s brilliance is in creating safe & sacred space for women to remember their own greatness.

The cornerstone of her work brings people together to ignite sovereign reclamation. She dances between worlds - marrying the ancient healing arts of the Priestess with modern day leadership technologies making the powerful, practical. Learn more here.

your sacred remembrance awaits.